Tuesday, October 2, 2018

What I want out of T INST 207

As an avid user of technology, I think it would be beneficial for me to learn as much as I can about the history, future and concerns about the Devices I devote so much time to. When i'm not doing school work on my laptop, i'm either watching Netflix, browsing social media, playing video games, listening to music or talking to friends online. Even in many classes, power points and videos are a prominently used resource, and that's if i'm not using my laptop to take notes or quizzes online. I honestly believe over seventy five percent of my day is spent looking at some kind of screen, while the other twenty five percent is spend driving, exercising or handwriting papers. I also think this class will be a useful experience for me because, if everything goes as planned, I would like to major in Computer Science. I've taken three years of computer science in high school so I like to think a have a little bit of a head start but either way, knowing about technology would be a good foundation for computer science. Learning common computer vocab is also something that I would like to get out of this class. Things like "TCP/IP", "HTTP", mainframe, "CPU" are all things we have already learned about which is a great start to accomplish that goal. Another very interesting topic would be how technology affects everyday life, society, and government. New advancements are created everyday and that is something I would like to get out of this class as well, current technological events and how they affect the world. If I can get any of the things I mentioned out of this class I will be happy with what I learned.

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